New Japan Sauna Ritual for glowing summer skin!

This premium sauna experience cleanses inside and out with the highest quality organic ingredients gathered from nature, giving you a fresh glow. A Bergamot Massage branded cotton bag includes a post card with instructions for a layered session using Red Flower’s thoughtful Japan-inspired body products, including their Ohana Gingergrass Bamboo Scrub, Wild Cherry Blossom Rice Buff, and Plum Blossom Silk Cream. Close by nourishing yourself on the inside with a cup of Rishi’s Yuzu Peach Green Tea. Save when you schedule a sauna for two. Book now!

It’s time to add sauna to your health and beauty regimen.

Burn calories, reduce inflammation and increase circulation. Kickstart collagen production and slough off dead skin. Regular sauna use has proven measurable health benefits. We provide everything you need to sauna, including body wraps, towels, showers, and optional electrolytes and body scrubs. Come sweat: solo or with friends —it does the body good. 30, 45, or 60 minute options. Series available.